iMobile ICICI Bank error Codes

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image source: News 18

iMobile is ICICI Bank’s official mobile banking application. iMobile, the most comprehensive and secure Mobile Banking application, getting payments done through Unified Payment Interface (UPI), offers over 170 banking services on your mobile.

There are various encounters with errors on the iMobile app and we have tried to provide you with all error codes in iMobile/ ICICI mobile app.

iMobile ICICI Bank error Codes

Reason CodeDescription
00Approved or completed successfully
01Refer to card issuer
02* Refer to card issuers special conditions
03Invalid merchant
05Do not honor
07Pick-up card, special conditions
08* Honor with identification
09* Request in progress
10Approved for partial amount
11* Approved (VIP)
12Invalid transaction-Sometimes a place that may not accept pre-paid debit cards
13Invalid amount
14Invalid card number (no such number)
15No such issuer
16* Approved, update Track 3
17* Customer cancellation, reversal (unsupported)
18(Not Supported)
19* Re-enter transaction
20Invalid response
21(Not Supported)
22(Not Supported)
23Unacceptable transaction fee
24File update not supported by receiver (0302 message only)
25Unable to locate record on file (0302 message only)
26Duplicate file update record, no action (0302 message only)
27File update field edit error (0302 message only)
28File update record locked out (0302 message only)
29File update not successful, contact acquirer (0302 message only)
30Format error (may also be a reversal)
31Bank not supported by switch
32(Not Supported)
33Expired card, pick-up
34Suspected fraud, pick-up
35* Card acceptor contact acquirer, pick-up
36Restricted card, pick-up
37Card acceptor call acquirer security, pick-up
38Allowable PIN tries exceeded, pick-up
39No credit account
40Requested function not supported
41Lost card, pick-up
42No universal account
43Stolen card, pick-up
44No investment account
45Reserved for ISO use
46Reserved for ISO use
47Reserved for ISO use
48Reserved for ISO use
49Reserved for IO use
50Reserved for ISO use
51Insufficient funds
52No checking account
53No savings account
54Expired card
55Incorrect PIN
56No card record
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback)
59Suspected fraud
60Card acceptor contact acquirer
61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
62Restricted card
63Security violation (may also be a chargeback)
64(Not Supported)
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
66Card acceptor call acquirer security
67Hard capture, pick-up
68(Not Supported)
69Reserved for ISO
70Reserved for ISO
71Reserved for ISO
72Reserved for ISO
73Reserved for ISO
74Reserved for ISO
75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76Key synchronization error
78Customer not eligible for POS (STAR)
79Invalid Digital Signature
80Stale dated transaction (STAR)
81Issuer requested stand-in
82Count exceeds limit (Visa Net)
83Reserved for private use
84Time limit for pre-authorization reached (Visa Net)
85Reserved for private use
86Cannot verify PIN (Visa Net)
87* Check already posted
88Information not on file
89Card verification value (CVV) verification failed (no pick-up)
90Cutoff in progress
91Issuer or switch is inoperative
92Financial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing
93* Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94Duplication transaction
95* Reconcile error
96System malfunction
97Reserved for national use
98Reserved for national use
99Reserved for national use
N0Authorization life cycle unacceptable
N1Authorization life cycle expired
N2-N9Future Use
P0-P9Future Use
R0-R2Future Use
R2Allowable PAN entries warning approved
R3Approved with overdraft protection
“S” Series “S”Series defined by FIS
“T” Series “T”Series defined by FIS
C2-MZReserved for national use
SQPIN Key Synch Error
STRevocation of authorization order
SVStop recurring payments
TAARQC validation failed for Chip Card
TBUnsafe PIN
T7Purchase only approval for purchase with cashback transaction
R4Bad CVV3
R5-ZZReserved for private use
R5-ZZReserved for private use 

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