Smartphone’s Speed Depends On RAM OR Processor?

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One of Our viewers asked, “My Smartphone’s Processor or Ram is result speed in my smartphone?”. To answer the questioner and to help you I am writing this article.

To know the answer you should know what is Ram and what is Processor and their work.

What is RAM & How does it work?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory, which is one of the fastest storage used in electronic devices. Ram is the storage used by the processor whenever it handles any task.

What is Processor & How does it work?

As the name itself says all story of it, still to inform you it process various tasks. It is made up of various varieties and cores.

Smartphone’s Speed Depends On RAM OR Processor?

As I explained above Processor handles various tasks in coordination with RAM.

In a smartphone, if a Processor is very fast and if it is combined with slow RAM then that smartphone will not work that fast. But in a smartphone, if a Processor is very fast and if it is combined with fast RAM then that smartphone will work faster compared to the first situation’s smartphone.

But if you debate and ask to pick one RAM or Processor that is most important for the smartphone’s speed then I will say Processor. Because to handle various processes Processor is primary important component then second important component would be RAM.

Hence, both processor and RAM are important factors for the speed of smartphones.

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