Fix: You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content Solution

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There are many errors in the android phone which are really annoying and “you may not have a proper app for viewing this content” is one that error, which is really annoying and time-consuming too.

Sometimes when you download an apk file from a website/ WhatsApp/ FB messenger or some unknown file then your mobile says this error mostly.

This error popups mostly when your device doesn’t have any proper app/ software to execute and open that file. Mostly this error comes while opening PDF, Excel, Xlsx, Docs, docx Contacts, Zip, etc files.

Fix: You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content Solution

This error is seen in many different conditions of your android, iOS, or Windows device. That’s why there are many possible solutions for this error according to the issue.

We have enlisted different scenarios and solutions for specific conditions.

① universal file opener

If you have a very different, unrecognized file on your device and there is no supported app on your device to open it, all you need to do is download an app/software that can open this file.

1. Universal file opener for Android

There are many Android file openers that support more than 150+ file extensions. File Viewer for Android app is one of the best apps in this category so download it and open your file easily.

2. Universal file opener for Windows

There are many Windows Universal file openers that support more than various file extensions.
Universal Viewer is one of the best apps in this category so download it and open your file easily.

② Installing APK:

If you download an APK file from the internet in this case, if you try to install it from the browser itself then it may show the “you may not have a proper app for viewing this content” error. Here your browser is unable to recognize the APK file format.

So, in this case, go to your File Manager and go to the APK section here you may find your downloaded APK file.

If you don’t find the app then try searching it in the downloads section of your File Manager.

After finding tap on it to install it. Still, if you are not able to install it then try rebooting your phone Or try to Update your smartphone if possible, Now it will not show any error.

③ Viewing Unkown Format file:

If you have downloaded an unknown type of file and you aren’t able to open it and it is showing the same error then try to open it in another app. To open it in another app long tap on that file and try finding another file to open it.

If you are still not able to open the file then try to find its type. You can know the type of your file easily by using the site. Also, you can visit which will also help you to find the extension of the file and open it.

After knowing the file type of the downloaded file you can easily open the file by using a particular supported app. If you don’t have that supported app then you can search for that file format online and try to find a way to open it online. For example, if you find a.XVG file format then go to google and search for How to open .XVG file.

④ Whatsapp you may not have a proper app for viewing this content

There are various cases of this issue in Whatsapp but we have summarised them into cases one is

1. File Format unsupported

If someone has sent you some kind of document file that you are not able to open then go to your file manager and search for that downloaded file by name or you can go to File Manager > Media > Whatsapp Documents > and file that file for more precision you can sort these documents by newer to older so that the newest created file will be on the top.

Now identify the file type. File type can be identified by  (.) dot Extension, the most common extensions are .pdf, .docx, jpeg, .pptx, .pptx, and .txt. If the file you are trying to open has different extensions apart from the extensions that we mentioned then it might be not supported format by your phone to open it.

So in this case just try to install File Viewer for the Android app that we mentioned above in this article and try to open the file in that app it will open for sure, as this app supports most file extensions.

2. Clone WhatsApp issue

If you have a dual/ Clone app on your phone then “You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content” on Whatsapp is very common.

Most people use double Whatsapp using the Clone feature. Clone apps have very little permission allowed.

To solve this issue you should go to Settings > Apps > App Manager > Whatsapp(Any app) > App Permissions and allow all necessary permissions to storage. After allowing your issue will be solved.

⑤ Mail :

Similar to the WhatsApp case if you are trying to mail someone and it says “You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content” then you should allow permission to that particular app for mail.

⑥ Update your device or App

If you are still not able to open the app then try to update your device. Updating your device’s operating system will help patch security gaps and improve your device’s overall performance. It also solves many problems of bugs.

You may not have proper app for viewing this content meaning in hindi

कभी-कभी जब आप किसी वेबसाइट / व्हाट्सएप / फेसबुक मैसेंजर या किसी अनजान फाइल से एपीके फाइल डाउनलोड करते हैं तो आपका मोबाइल ज्यादातर यहमैसेज एरर बताता है।

यह त्रुटि ज्यादातर तब पॉपअप होती है जब आपके डिवाइस में उस फ़ाइल को निष्पादित करने और खोलने के लिए कोई उचित ऐप/सॉफ़्टवेयर नहीं होता है। ज्यादातर यह एरर PDF, Excel, Xlsx, Docs, docx Contacts, Zip आदि फाइल को ओपन करते समय आती है।

यह त्रुटि आपके Android, iOS, या Windows डिवाइस की कई अलग-अलग स्थितियों में देखी जाती है। इसलिए समस्या के अनुसार इस त्रुटि के कई संभावित समाधान हैं।


In this post, we discussed various solutions regarding You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content Solution. We discussed file opening methods of PDF, Excel, Xlsx, Docs, docx Contacts, Zip, and other formats. Many people also search for this query by Cara mengatasi, artinya You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content Solution.

If any of the solutions worked for you please comment other please also want to hear from you.

8 thoughts on “Fix: You May Not Have A Proper App For Viewing This Content Solution”

    • I think you have got rough bug which is not vanishing, in this case you should wait for some time and look for Whatsapp update they are quite frequent.

      I will not suggest you uninstalling whatsapp as it may be hard to recover old chats sometime.

      You can cop links and directyl paste in browser, or you can try Whatsapp web till this issue solve automaticallly.

  1. I had the same issue. I followed the instructions and it still didn’t work. I think I need to install the app first.


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