Android Cellbroadcastreceiver:

If you are searching for learning about and what’s the use of

Today I will explain exactly this Android Cellbroadcastingreceiver system of Android in a very easy language which can be easily understandable.

Whats is

The is an android application System package which only exists on Android devices. Every app has its own unique identity, known as ‘Package name.’ Package names look like “ Add” or Add”.

So, if you found that is running. Then it’s the app for handling the device’s emergency and emergency alert-related tasks. Currently, my phone has Version 10 of it.


Android CellBroadCastReceiver is accountable for handling the device’s emergency and emergency alert-related tasks and you will not be able to see this app in the app tray.

This APK is mainly used for internal & background works on Android smartphones, which helps the device see, track, and enable emergency alerts.

The Cellbroadcastreceiver, also known as “,” is a nationwide messaging service which is designed to help you critical and disseminate mass communications to your loved ones & employees after a natural or human-made emergency.

In simple language “” is the package name of the app Cell Broadcasts, a pre-installed system app on Android devices that is accountable for handling the device’s emergency and emergency alert-related tasks.

Whats Cell broadcasts android app

If you want to download this app from the internet then you have to search for Cell broadcaster android app and you can download the app from the internet easily.

So that was a quick post and we hope that this post helps a lot of people. And if you have any doubts or queries you can ask us in the comment box we will respond to them as early as possible. I will be back with another amazing post by hunting till then goodbye!

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