Earn money from multiple link protecting sites, everything you should know

Earn money by link protecting sites, everything you should know.

To reach the destination we should know the path to reach the destiny.

The same is in the case of links, they do the work of path through which we reach the site we want to access.
In this post, we are discussing link protectors and how to make use of them to protect your links effectively.

On many other online sources, you will notice these sites as multiple links protecting sites so don’t confuse we are discussing the same topic here.

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What are the links?

First up all we should know,
Links are nothing but a URL(Uniform Resource Locator). Without URL it becomes hard to reach the online site you want to reach: thus links play a vitally important role in reaching your destiny.
Links contain resources where we want to reach and the protocol with which you get access to that resource.
If you didn’t understand the example is here, if there is a site https://www.example.com then HTTPS becomes protocol and the next part is called resource which identifies the site’s IP address.

HTTPS is the protocol and example.com represents the resource name of the “example” Website.

What are multiple links protecting sites?

Sometimes people have a bunch of links to some files, and if you place them one by one on your site, it becomes troublesome for a user, and in addition site owners miss the opportunity of earning more money with these links.

Here comes the role of link protecting site which arranges links in an organized manner and restricts user access to it by captcha or password. It protects links from inconvenient people or automated robots.
These sites provide the feature of password to reach protected links, and also user has to perform captcha operations in order to reach the link. Now you will say what is the use of password and captcha.

Well, Password protects links from inconvenient peoples and Captcha protects links from automated bot visits.

How does it work?

When you have links or a bunch of links you can put them on link protecting website. After that, they will provide you a specific link to that protected links.

Protected links become visible to users only when visitors visit these pages by links provided by you and click ‘Unlock Links’.


How to Earn money through link protector sites?

Now comes the main query part of how to earn with multiple link protecting site!
There are many sites that offer you a link protection feature. But some of them don’t pay at all they are just for the purpose of link protection.
On the other hand, some of them provide plenty of good money for your protected links, where Payout rates for a particular country depend. In India 2 dollars per 1000 views payout rate is common.
To earn money first up all we suggest choosing trusted sites such as Adhy.pe, Pastetot.com, hololinks.com, linkskeep.blue, Uptolink1.com, and many more.
You can protect links in the bunch or protect a single link as per your need, just you have to choose a trusted site and sign up to it and start protecting your links.
Now when people start visiting your links, as per the payout rates decided the money will be credited to your account.

How these sites pay us?

To this end many people reading must have one question that how these sites pay us?
If you are the owner of links and you provide them in the bunch to link protecting website. Automatically new page with a new URL creates which contains owner links.

These newly created pages are filled with advertisements by link protecting sites, thus they earn money where some amount of percent is reserved by the links owner.

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Where you can use a link protector?

You can use these sites to earn decent money in many ways.
One of the most used methods is to provide downloading content links such as apk files, videos, music, different files.

In these cases of downloading the content, you can provide many link options on one page of the link protector, which becomes more convenient and productive.
Many content downloading sites use these sites and earn in lakhs so you can also earn.

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